Linked Lists generator

This was our first course project, we studied in the first chatpters about linear data structures and applied to them some functions, linke searching algorithms and sorting algorithms. The required project was a very simple C program about the basics of single linked lists, and which sorting algorithms are best suited for them. linked lists was a very fun topic for me and I enjoyed sovling related questions and puzzlez, and this writing this program was no exceptions. Here some of the functions of the program:

  1. Create a Linked List by intializing the first node.
  2. Select intial size of the list.
  3. Start filling the list.
  4. Find the first node in the list.
  5. Find the last node in the list.
  6. Find the next node.
  7. Show the content of the selected node.
  8. Find the size of the list.
  9. Delete first node.
  10. Delete last node.
  11. Delete next node.
  12. Add a node before the selected node.
  13. Add a node after the selected node.
  14. Sort using bubble sort.
  15. Sort using merge sort.
for the source code and other details please click here to get to my gitgub repo.